His Recovery

Pornography or Sexual Addiction Recovery for Men

You want to change. You want to start again. You can.

Licensed couples therapists at LifeStar have seen the devastating impact that pornography, sexual addiction, and infidelity can have on a marriage. But we’ve also seen evidence of healing after heartbreak, and inspiring stories of self-discipline overcoming self-destructive behaviors.


Our addiction recovery resources and workshop in Rexburg, ID help couples to find that healing. In these environments and alongside our couples therapists, husbands receive support to overcome sex and pornography addictions. They begin to understand how to fight addictive impulses and foster a renewed feeling of trust in their relationship after infidelity.

    What does addiction recovery look like for husbands?

    His recovery begins with personal accountability for his behavior. He needs to accept that he has a problem and needs to recognize how it’s affected him and those around him. The most thorough way to accomplish this is with a formal disclosure to his wife.

    This disclosure isn’t something a husband hastily shares with his wife in a casual conversation. Instead, he spends time documenting and reviewing his story with a qualified marriage therapist. Then, he will set up a time to share this with his spouse. It’s important to complete this disclosure with a therapist who specializes in pornography, sexual addiction, and affair recovery. The LifeStar program has specialized disclosure workbooks to support both the husband and the wife through the disclosure process. A man’s willingness to take responsibility for his behaviors not only opens the door to his own healing, but also creates conditions where his wife and marriage can finally heal.

    Even though he has an individual responsibility to work on his own healing, a husband can’t do this process in isolation. Every man in pornography recovery needs a support system of men who can encourage, empathize, and challenge him along the way. The LifeStar sexual addiction recovery program is one of the best places to begin forming a support system. Dr. Mark Laaser, an expert on sex addiction, recommends that every man have at least six other men in his life that know his story and can offer ongoing support. This isn’t a time to be a superhero and go solo. Every man has already tried and failed multiple times to recover from addiction and fix infidelity by himself.

    Individual recovery is more effective when men become educated about their struggles. LifeStar provides clear answers to these important questions. In fact, we believe that behaviors can be understood as men learn more about their emotions, attachment history, relationships, rituals, and other areas that affect their choices. As men work through these areas with the guidance from a qualified recovery therapist and group members, he’ll find answers to help him make long-term changes.

    In summary, his recovery begins with:

    1. Working with a qualified therapist.
    2. Completing a full disclosure to his wife and therapist.
    3. Seeking group support.
    4. Receiving further education.
    5. Learning to control behavior and manage his emotions.